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GSoC 2024: A Near Post-Mortem

I’m used to calling most of these kinds of posts postmortems. As part of final submissions though, I need a final report before the project is done. So it’s almost a post-mortem

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Buy Indiepocalypse #55, out now!

My game, Spider-880, is included in this month’s issue

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Summer Work

This is an update post to my previous post sent at the start of summer

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Summer Plans

Today, I got two back-to-back pieces of pretty awesome news

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Burnout, Web Assembly, and Hobbies

So, to go with this post there’s a webtoy you can play around with

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What I Did and How it Works: Microgame Jam 2022

Howdy folks!

This is long overdue, but a looooooot of stuff got in the way

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Does Mountain (2014) Use Your Drawings? Yes. Sort of.

Temper your expectations, it’s disappointing

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Everyone's Modelling Dice Wrong

I didn’t think I’d ever make this post, but here we are.

Sure, it’s been kicking around in the back of my head for a while, but now that the GMTK Game Jam 2022 is over

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What I Did and How It Works: The Microgame Jam

Play the Microgame Jam if you haven’t already, it’ll provide important context

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What I Did and How It Works: Gremlin Garden

Hello, and welcome to this explanation of how the racing system for Gremlin Garden works. If you haven’t played Gremlin Garden already, you should

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