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Porting Skyrim's Terrain to Minecraft
It’s been ported to PC, Xbox, Playstation, Nintendo Switch, PC (Again), Xbox (Again), Playstation (Again), PC (Again Again), Xbox (Again Again), Playstation (Again Again), and even Alexa. Why not Minecraft
GSoC 2024: A Near Post-Mortem
I’m used to calling most of these kinds of posts postmortems. As part of final submissions though, I need a final report before the project is done. So it’s almost a post-mortem
Buy Indiepocalypse #55, out now!
My game, Spider-880, is included in this month’s issue
Burnout, Web Assembly, and Hobbies
So, to go with this post there’s a webtoy you can play around with
What I Did and How it Works: Microgame Jam 2022
Howdy folks!
This is long overdue, but a looooooot of stuff got in the way
Does Mountain (2014) Use Your Drawings? Yes. Sort of.
Temper your expectations, it’s disappointing
Everyone's Modelling Dice Wrong
I didn’t think I’d ever make this post, but here we are.
Sure, it’s been kicking around in the back of my head for a while, but now that the GMTK Game Jam 2022 is over
What I Did and How It Works: The Microgame Jam
Play the Microgame Jam if you haven’t already, it’ll provide important context
What I Did and How It Works: Sea Star Crossed Lovers
Before we start, you should play Sea Star Crossed Lovers
What I Did and How It Works: Gremlin Garden
Hello, and welcome to this explanation of how the racing system for Gremlin Garden works. If you haven’t played Gremlin Garden already, you should