Today, I got two back-to-back pieces of pretty awesome news.
The First Thing
I’m a contributor to Google Summer of Code 2024! You can view the proposal here. I’ve also chosen to archive it on my site for posterity, viewable here.
I thought it’d be a good idea to get a blog post going on this for Content(tm) purposes, so I’m hoping to be very open about the development process as I get into it. I’m super grateful that the folks at Unicode are taking what precious time they have to support my proposal, and I am very excited to contribute in the near future!
Updates to follow in the next month or something, we’ll see.
The Second Thing
I’m a co-artist on a project which is currently a semi-finalist entry to an upcoming SFMOMA exhibit. Everything is very much work-in-progress, so I won’t be sharing too many details. The rough overview is that it’s a racing game from the perspective of a spectator; you push buttons from the sidelines to see what happens. My personal inspirations from working on it so far have been games like Wipeout Pure and Burnout Paradise. A screenshot of the prototype:
This is a collaboration between myself and my partner stargyaru, who is the project lead. I look forward to hopefully sharing more updates soon!
The Third Thing
Okay, so two posts ago I said I’d have announcements for Spring 2024 for other projects. As you might be able to tell, a lot of other stuff is going on the back burner while I’m working on these new summer projects. There is other stuff moving around in the background, and I hopefully will be able to share that… at some point. In the future. Not sure when exactly. Time will tell!